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Hereward College


Working together to keep our students safe

Hereward College recognises its responsibility to promote and safeguard the welfare of all learners and staff.  There are robust safeguarding arrangements in place which are regularly reviewed to keep all learners safe. The College is committed to the promotion of an inclusive College community which does not allow any individual or group of individuals to be marginalised, stigmatised or excluded from College life.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Hereward and when a safeguarding concern is raised, it is dealt with swiftly, effectively, and in ways proportionate to the issues. The right of the individual to be heard throughout this process is a critical element in the drive towards personalised care and support.

All staff, Governors or volunteers have a key role in preventing harm or abuse and in taking action where concerns arise. Our Safeguarding Policy is underpinned by Coventry Safeguarding Board, the Department of Education’s Keeping children safe in education statutory guidance, and the Care Act 2016. This guidance outlines clearly how agencies and individuals should work together to protect children or adults at risk. Safeguarding is a duty and a shared responsibility.

Our Safeguarding Team

Hereward College has a team of safeguarding officers who can be contacted for advice should you have any concerns regarding a safeguarding matter.

The designated lead contacts for parents and carers are:

Jane Ferguson
Vice Principal – Safeguarding & Pastoral Care

Emma Barker
Safeguarding & Risk Manager

Tess Murray / Nikki Schoolar
Safeguarding Coordinator(s)
Tess and Nikki are Hereward’s first responders for all safeguarding concerns.

Alternatively, you can contact Coventry’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 024 7678 8555 or 024 76833 800 if your call is regarding an adult at risk.

In an emergency always call 999.


As part of our wider safeguarding duties, Hereward is working with partner agencies to protect our learners from the risk of radicalisation.  The aim of the Prevent Strategy is to ensure that the College is able to monitor, manage and deal effectively with the threat posed by any individual or group of individuals engaging in violent extremism in the name of ideology or belief.

Early intervention is at the heart of Prevent in diverting people away from being drawn into terrorist activity as Prevent happens before any criminal activity takes place. It is about recognising, supporting and protecting individuals who might be susceptible to radicalisation.

If you are worried that a young person might be vulnerable to radicalisation, the ActEarly website has been set up to provide advice, enable people to share concerns, and ensure that support is given before a situation escalates.

Health & Wellbeing Resources
Click on the links listed below to view the PDF documents.

We have extensive partnerships with employers and an expanding supported internship study programme.
Hereward College - Promoting Individual Achievement

Hereward College, Bramston Crescent
Tile Hill, Coventry CV4 9SW
Tel: 024 7646 1231
Email: enquiries@hereward.ac.uk


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