Hereward College offers courses for residential and day students at our Coventry campus.
Our pathway approach to learning ensures that all levels are catered for and we work with you to build a programme of study to help you achieve your goals.
Courses run from Pre-Entry up to Level 3 with a
Learning for Life sensory group specifically aimed at students with profound and multiple learning difficulties.
English and maths are included in all programmes and there is a focus on employability and enterprise.
For learners with more complex needs we have introduced
Aspire, an individualised and targeted intervention programme, which is supported by highly skilled experts.
We offer work skills and employability programmes, including supported internships, working in partnership with regional and national employers.
FOUNDATION PATHWAY (Pre-Entry, Entry Level 1 and Entry Level 2)
Learners on the Foundation Pathway are equipped with skills for life with a focus on learning for living through vocational workshops and the transition to independence and work. This person centred approach uses the RARPA framework with accredication where appropriate. The programme of learning includes art and design, employability, English, healthy living, ICT, maths, music, performing arts, and sport.
Independence and daily living skills such as laundry, travel training, cooking, cleaning, shopping, maintaining a home and accessing the community are also a key part of this programme.
Foundation Plus
Learners with complex needs work in small groups on individualised targets within a purpose built area. There is a strong focus on communication, independence, learner engagement and functional basic skills.
EXPLORER PATHWAY (Entry Level 3 and Level 1)
Learners on the Explorer Pathway follow a project based study programme which allows them to specialise in a subject at Level 1 while gaining a well-rounded education through various strands of the curriculum linked to work experience, independence, enterprise and employability.
Vocational taster sessions
All subjects are available as taster sessions at Entry Level 3 as part of the vocational studies programme. Each subject focuses on the personal qualities and work skills required in the sector and leads to a Certificate in Skills for Further Learning & Employment. Subjects studied include
art and design,
performing arts,
DISCOVERY PATHWAY (Level 2 and Level 3)
On the Discovery Pathway learners specialise in a chosen subject and follow a qualification based curriculum that includes practical work, course work and external assessments. Units are linked to enterprise projects with local organisations and volunteering in the community.